The Frontiers in Science (FIS) Program, one of the many Opportunities for Research in Biophysics, Informatics, and Theoretical Science (ORBITS), ended their summer internship with a poster session on July 26, 2017. The event was held in the BioScience Research Collaborative Building at Rice University. Margaret Cheung, University of Houston Professor and Director of the FIS Program, joined the nine undergraduate interns from the University of Houston and Houston Community College who presented posters covering their research. These students participated in cutting-edge science research in the field of biological physics during a 10-week program housed at the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP) at Rice University. The event was open to the public.
Adam Salazar, a University of Houston undergraduate, was the poster contest winner (pictured with him are Dr. Cheung and Xuefei Li, Adam's mentor and Rice postdoc).
More detailed information about the program can be found on the University of Houston FIS Program site.