2014 Towards elucidating the connection between epithelial-mesenchymal transitions and stemness. Journal of the Royal Society Interface (Volume 11, Issue 101, )
2014 How input noise limits biochemical sensing in ultrasensitive systems. Physical Review E (Volume 90, Issue 3, )
2014 Predictive Energy Landscapes for Folding alpha-Helical Transmembrane Proteins. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA (Volume 111, Issue 30, , Pages 11031 )
2014 From structure to function: the convergence of structure based models and co-evolutionary information. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Volume 16, Issue 14, , Pages 6496 )
2014 Positive and negative impacts of nonspecific sites during target location by a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein: origin of the optimal search at physiological ionic strength. Nucleic Acids Research (Volume 42, Issue 11, , Pages 7039 )
2014 Polarity mechanisms such as contact inhibition of locomotion regulate persistent rotational motion of mammalian cells on micropatterns. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA (Volume 111, Issue 41, , Pages 14770 )
2014 Frustration in biomolecules. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics (Volume 47, Issue 4, , Pages 285 )
2014 My encounters with bacteria-learning about communication, cooperation and choice. Physical Biology (Volume 11, Issue 5, )
2014 Pattern formation by phase-field relaxation of bending energy with fixed surface area and volume. Physical Review E (Volume 90, Issue 3, )
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