2022 Quantum information scrambling in molecules. Physical Review A (Volume 105, Issue 3, 03/29/2022)
2022 Quantifying the Patterns of Metabolic Plasticity and Heterogeneity along the Epithelial-Hybrid-Mesenchymal Spectrum in Cancer. Biomolecules (Volume 12 (2), 02/2022)
2022 Power of stochastic kinetic models: From biological signaling and antibiotic activities to T cell activation and cancer initiation dynamics. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science (03/28/2022)
2022 A VDAC1-mediated NEET protein chain transfers [2Fe-2S] clusters between the mitochondria and the cytosol and impacts mitochondrial dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (Volume 119 (3), 02/15/2022)
2022 Mechanism of translocation by bacteriophage T7 helicase gp4 using AWSEM-Suite. Biophysical Journal (Volume 121 (3), 320A, 02/11/2022)
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2022 Theoretical study of active secondary transport: Unexpected differences in molecular mechanisms for antiporters and symporters. Journal of Chemical Physics (Volume 156, Issue 8, 02/28/2022)
2022 DNA supercoiling-mediated collective behavior of co-transcribing RNA polymerases. Nucleic Acids Research (Volume 50, Issue 3, 02/22/22, Pages 1269-1279)
2022 DLPacker: Deep learning for prediction of amino acid side chain conformations in proteins. Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics (03/04/2022)
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