T.N. Nguyen; H. Teimouri; A.B. Kolomeisky 2023 Increasing Heterogeneity in Antimicrobial Peptide Combinations Enhances Their Synergistic Activities. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Volume 14, Issue 38, Pages 8405-8411, 09/14/2023)
B. Punia; S. Chaudhury; A. Kolomeisky 2023 How Heterogeneity Affects Cooperative Communications within Single Nanocatalysts. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (09/2023 early access)
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Z.H. Zhou; T.W. Yue; C. Liang; X.Y. Bai; D.C. Chen; C. Hetang; W.P. Wang 2023 Unlocking Everyday Wisdom: Enhancing Machine Comprehension with Script Knowledge Integration. Applied Sciences-Basel (Volume 13, Issue 16, 08/2023)
F. Bocci; D.Y. Jia; M.K. Jolly; J. Onuchic 2023 Theoretical and computational tools to model multistable gene regulatory networks. Reports on Progress in Physics (Volume 86, Issue 10, 10/01/2023)
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A. Mondal; A.B. Kolomeisky 2023 Role of Nucleosome Sliding in the Protein Target Search for Covered DNA Sites. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Volume 14, Issue 31, Pages 7073-7082, 08/01/2023)
E. Dodero-Rojas; M.F. Mello; S. Brahmachari; A.B. Oliveira; V.G. Contessoto; J.N. Onuchic 2023 PyMEGABASE: Predicting Cell-Type-Specific Structural Annotations of Chromosomes Using the Epigenome. Journal of Molecular Biology (Volume 435, Issue 15, 08/01/2023)